Julian Ceddia

Julian Ceddia. PhD, Monash University

Hi! I'm Julian, a final-year PhD student at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. I joined FLEET at the Monash node in 2021 as a member of Agustin Schiffrin's group. Since then, I have been working on synthesising novel two-dimensional metal-organic frameworks (2D MOFs) and studying their electronic properties. Specifically, I'm interested in 2D MOFs that host correlated electron phenomena, which are fascinating properties that emerge when electrons in a material interact with each other. Such interactions could be the key to unlocking new technologies that will vastly improve the computational power and efficiency of future low-energy electronics. To study these materials I use low-temperature scanning probe techniques including scanning tunnelling microscopy and non-contact atomic force microscopy. Alongside my research, I love developing new software to facilitate data analysis and automation of equipment in our lab - check out some of my recent projects below!

Featured Projects


Scanbot using a dual sample holder to tip shape and survey samples

Scanbot is a Python bot that automates data acquisition and tip preparation in Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy experiments. This project was undertaken as part of FLEET's Translation Program.

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Central Equation Solver (EPWE)

Preview of the Central Equation Solver GUI

A Python project that makes it easy to solve and visualise solutions to the time-independent Schrodinger equation for an electron in a periodic two-dimensional potential landscape.

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Preview of the G80SXM GUI

G80SXM is a Python based tool to analyse and process Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy images acquired using Nanonis software.

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Key Blog Posts

Hackathon Finals

We won the BFC hackathon!

Better Futures Innovation Challenge

Our team is through to the next stage of the BFC hackathon!

FLEET Annual Workshop

FLEET's final annual workshop, held in Lorne, Victoria

Key Presentations & Publications

Scanbot: An STM Automation Bot

Ceddia, J., Hellerstedt, J., Lowe, B. et al. Journal of Open Source Software

Mott Metal-Insulator Transition in a 2D MOF

Lowe, B., Field, B., Hellerstedt, J., Ceddia, J. et al. Nature Communications

Scanbot (Talk)

Scanbot presented at the FLEET Legacy Workshop | View Poster | Download Slides